Beth Ferreira, a partner at Firstmark Capital, has lived through events that radically transformed the market in the wake of the severe downturns they caused: the Dot Com crash of 2000, the 9/11/01 terror attacks, and the 2008 financial crisis. When the mere survival of your company- or entire market- is in question, strategies change, habits fall away, and goals are reassessed. Beth’s experiences both on the investor and enterprise side of VC have shown her that for brands that are sufficiently adaptive and proactive in the face of crisis, there’s opportunity not only to intelligently retrench and survive but also thrive.
season 1
MarketSnacks Founders Nick Martell & Jack Kramer: Scaling Your Side Hustle While Working/Studying Full-Time
Nick and Jack are the writers and co-CEOs of MarketSnacks, a daily newsletter and podcast that distills the Wall Street headlines you need to know