How To Get What You Really Want in a Negotiation

Negotiations are something most people dread- and everyone does. Entire professions are centered on the ability to extract value from relationships, which may or may not be adversarial; all of us negotiate almost daily with partners, children, and colleagues. From buying a car to setting the course of your entire career to averting war, negotiation is the fabric of civilization.

Prof. Alexandra Carter discovered her passion for negotiation when a chance opportunity as a student found her performing pro bono mediation services in civil court; she decided then and there that there was nothing she’d rather do more. Since then, Alexandra has served the Massachusetts District Court, worked as a litigator, became the director of Columbia Law School’s Mediation Clinic, and has partnered with the UN Institute for Training and Research to instruct the diplomatic corps in alternate dispute resolution.

Her new book, Ask For More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything, introduces the principles of negotiation to a general audience to apply in every area of life.

Plus, on the FOMOment of the Week, social media comedy sensation Matt Buechele shares the approach that’s led him to create some of the most viral internet comedy of the COVID-19 era!



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Venture Capital During a Pandemic

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